Organizational Structure

Board of Directors and Members of the Board of Trustees 2021-2026

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Drs. Mohamad Nasir, M.Si, Akt, Ph.D, Chairman



Prof. Dr. Yusriyadi, S.H, M.S, Vice Chairman

Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Indarjo, M.Phil, Secretary













Members of the Board of Trustees


Prof. Brian Yuliarto, S.T, M.Eng., Ph.D. (Minister of Higher Education, Science & Technology)

Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si (Rector/ExOfficio)

Komjen Pol (Purn) Drs. Ahmad Luthfi, S.H., S.St.M.K. (Governor of Central Java/Exofficio)











Dr. dr. Dodik Tugasworo Pramukarso, Sp.S(K), (Element of Alumni)

Perry Warjiyo, S.E, M.Sc, Ph.D, (Element of Society)

Prof. Dr. Wimboh Santoso, S.E, M.Sc, Ph.D, (Element of Society)













Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, Ph.D, IPU, (Chairman Of Academic Senate/Exofficio)

Prof. Drs. Tarmizi Achmad, MBA, Ph.D, CPA, CA, (Element of Professor)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Edjeng Suprijatna, M.P (Element of Professor)












Prof. Dr. Ing. Suherman, S.T, M.T (Element of Professor)

Dr. Darsono, S.E, Akt, MBA (Element of Non – Professor)

Dr. Joko Setiyono, S.H, M.Hum (Element of Non – Professor














Drs. Mulyo Padmono (Element of Education Personnel)

Naufal Azis Rosul Sayyaf (Element of Student)














Chairman of the Audit Committee


Prof. Drs. Tarmizi Achmad, MBA, Ph.D,
Chairman of the Audit Committee

Dr. Darsono, S.E, Akt, MBA (Vice Chairman of the Audit Committee)
















Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Purwanto, MT
Audit Committee Members

Dr. Rakhmat Bowo Suharto, S.H, M.H
Audit Committee Members

Mustakim, S.E, Akt, CA

Audit Committee Members